Week 2 Take-Home Quiz              

Immediately after our fourth class meeting (see our course schedule for the exact date), I will circulate a 20-minute video that will talk you through our Week 2 Quiz, along with two pdfs, one of which you will be able to fill in with your answers (if you can’t fill out the pdf directly, you’ll be able to find instructions on the pdf for how to submit your answers otherwise). You can stop, start, and replay any part of the video as much as you wish, as you work through the various questions on the pdfs.

The material on the quiz will be restricted to what I’ve covered, and mentioned expressly out loud, during lectures and discussions up to that point — it will focus primarily on IPA and phonology (for the most part, this is an IPA and phonology quiz).

Week 7 Take-Home Test

After our final class meeting (see our course schedule for the exact date), I will circulate two pdfs — a question pack and an answer sheet, which you will be able to fill in with your answers (if you can’t fill out the pdf directly, you’ll be able to find instructions on the pdf for how to submit your answers otherwise).

This cumulative test, worth 20% of your course mark, will deploy multiple choiceshort answer, modified passage identification, and translation questions to determine your retention and comprehension of all course material we’ve covered, and your ability to apply that knowledge to complex questions and crucial problems in the field.  

The material on the final take-home test will be restricted to what has been actually covered during lecture and discussion: if I (or you, or one of your fellow students) didn’t say it out loud, it won’t be there; if we did, it might; the more frequently we said it, the more likely it will be there.  But be advised: one infamous section on this test will evaluate how well you understood, and retained, assigned readings. So don’t skip any readings; read them with enough attention that you understand their argument, and ask questions in class or Office Hours if you don’t.